< Projects
TSS Global
Product Type
  • Full Stack React Website
  • Headless CMS
  • Branding
  • UI & UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Next.js
  • Material UI
  • Strapi
  • GraphQL
  • Styled Component
Developed a scalable fullstack React website using Next.js. I utilized Styled Components for styling. Integrated Strapi as a headless CMS for efficient content management of the blog section. Implemented Meilisearch's powerful search capabilities, enabling users to find relevant content quickly through a user-friendly search option.
-David Sampson, Project Manager, TSS
TSS Global, a student recruitment and training agency, was facing regular downtime and server errors on their existing WordPress website. This was primarily due to a lack of expertise and a permanent web team, resulting in significant expenses to troubleshoot the issues.
Recognizing the need for a solution, TSS Global approached me, and we agreed on a three-month timeframe for the project. At the time, I was in the process of learning React.js and saw this as a mutually beneficial opportunity. Working on the website not only allowed me to gain hands-on experience with React concepts but also solidified my understanding of Next.js fundamentals.
One of the main challenges I encountered was incorporating a backend system into the original site, which featured a blog/news section. After carefully evaluating various options, I ultimately decided to implement the Strapi headless CMS. This decision proved to be a valuable learning experience, as I gained insights into how APIs function within the context of Next.js (Note: Next.js 13 was not available at that time). Moreover, I also grasped the distinction between Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Client-side Rendering (CSR).
Given the nature of the website, having a search feature was essential. To accomplish this, I utilized a RESTful search API, Meilisearch, which provided efficient and accurate search functionality.
For data queries, I employed GraphQL, while for the newsletter feature, I integrated MailChimp. To ensure a cohesive styling, I utilized Styled Components in conjunction with CSS. Furthermore, for seamless user interface implementation, I leveraged Material UI.
Through this project, I expanded my knowledge and skills in React, Next.js, backend integration, API usage, and various other related technologies.
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