
Hello there! I'm Tabassum, a self-taught front-end developer based in the vibrant city of London. With a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I have honed my skills over time to create user-friendly web experiences. I'm currently diving deeper into the world of React and Next.js, exploring the endless possibilities they offer in building dynamic and robust web applications.
My journey into the world of web development started from a background in visual design and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). As a visual designer, I have always been captivated by the intersection of art and technology, and my passion for programming naturally evolved from there. The thrill of turning a mere design into a functional and interactive website motivated me to transition my career into coding.
Tabassum Majid ★ ★ Web Developer ★ ★
As a self-taught developer, I take pride in continuously expanding my skill set to stay at the cutting edge of web development technologies. In addition to HTML, CSS and JavaScript I have been using various other tools and frameworks that enhance the development process. These include TypeScript, GraphQL, Greensock Animation (GSAP), Framer Motion, Three.js. Additionally, my familiarity with version control/Git and testing tools allows me to collaborate seamlessly with teams and deliver performant code.
These three pillars are at the core of every project I undertake:
  • 1. Resposiveness1. Resposiveness
  • 2. Accessibility2. Accessibility
  • 3. High Performance3. High Performance
Web development is not just a job for me; it's a true passion. I find joy in facing challenges and solving complex problems through creative coding solutions. The ever-evolving nature of technology keeps me on my toes, constantly seeking to learn and adapt to new trends. Whether it's a personal project or a client's website, I pour my heart into every line of code to deliver excellence and exceed expectations.

Whether it's a personal portfolio, an e-commerce platform, or a corporate website. I believe that by combining cutting-edge technologies with a user-centric approach, I can create digital experiences that leave a positive and lasting impression on users.

Feel free to explore my portfolio and watch showreel, and if you have any questions or collaboration inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptReact.jsNext.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptHTMLCSSJavaScriptReact.jsNext.jsTailwind CSSTypeScript